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Mostrando postagens de maio, 2017

Instalação SSH no Ubuntu

Instalando e configurando servidor SSH (Ubuntu) Este tutorial tem por objetivo ensinar como realizar as configurações básicas de um servidor SSH. Antes de começarmos a configurar o SSH no GNU/Linux precisamos compreender o que ele é e para o que ele serve, pois só assim conseguiremos saber como aplicá-lo para atender nossas necessidades administrativas. No mundo onde necessitamos a cada dia mais de mecanismos que facilitem a administração de servidores Linux , surgiu uma ferramenta para possibilitar o acesso remoto ao servidor. Essa ferramenta é o SSH , ela permite que de qualquer lugar da rede, você estando em uma máquina com Linux ou Windows, consiga comunicar-se com o servidor a fim de realizar rotinas administrativas como se estivesse diante do próprio servidor. Uma observação interessante é que para utilizar o Windows para administrar o Linux é necessário utilizar uma aplicação leve e gratuita chamada Putty , que deve ser instalada no Windows. Antigamente tínhamos...

Cuckoo com Vmware Esxi

Cuckoo is an open-source malware analysis platform using sandboxing technology. The tool allows people like us to analyze malicious binaries in an isolated environment. Since Cuckoo is commonly used with Oracle VirtualBox as its virtualization platform, a majority of online documentation is focused on configuration using VirtualBox. PlantainStan and I decided to test running Cuckoo on ESXi and document our success. This guide will help with the basic configuration of ensuring Cuckoo properly interacts with ESXi. We will continue to update this post as we make continue to make an even more baller Cuckoo environment! Note: In order to successfully interact with vSphere's API, you will need the VMWare ESX Standard license. API functionality is required for Cuckoo to work with ESX. Configure ESX Since this guide is not a "how to" on installing ESXi, we will assume that you have successfully installed the hypervisor on your system. There...

Substituindo o FirewallD pelo Iptables no CentOS 7

  Vou deixar uma dica de substituir o FirewallD pelo Iptables no CentOS 7 . Então vamos ver como é simples mudar isso! 1. Instalar o repositório EPEL: # yum install epel-release 2. Instalar o serviço Iptables: # yum install iptables-services 3. Parar o serviço do FirewallD: # systemctl stop firewalld 4. Desabilitar o serviço no boot: # systemctl disable firewalld 5. Iniciar o serviço Iptables: # systemctl start iptables 6. Habilitar o serviço no boot: # systemctl enable iptables Agora você já pode editar as configurações no arquivo /etc/sysconfig/iptables . Lembre-se que sempre que adicionar uma regra, usar o "reload" no serviço para ativar a configuração.

Openvas escaneando a rede local

Since we're on systemd , you actually need to modify 3 .service files: cd /lib/systemd/system   Files are: greenbone-security-assistant.service, openvas-manager.service and openvas-scanner.service. To make it quick you may want to use sed . This line will replace all to which will allow all services be avaliable on all interfaces. You should replace to the address of your choice.   sed -e 's/'  greenbone-security-assistant.service openvas-manager.service openvas-scanner.service Verify, that all will be done as you want. If you're happy with the changes, just add -i to the end  of previous command. sed -e 's/' greenbone-security-assistant.service openvas-manager.service openvas-scanner.service -i Lastly you need to reload daemons, since you've made changes to files and restart services. systemctl daemon-reload systemctl r...

Openvas 8

OpenVAS is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution. Homepage: http:// www.openvas. org/ * Openvas 9 is now available * A set of new packages for openvas 9 is now included. If you prefer to install them, you just have to install "openvas9" package instead of "openvas". Then, update scripts/data with the following commands: sudo apt-get install sqlite3 sudo greenbone-nvt-sync sudo greenbone- scapdata- sync sudo greenbone- certdata- sync sudo service openvas-scanner restart sudo service openvas-manager restart sudo openvasmd --migrate #only required when upgrading from an older version sudo openvasmd --rebuild --progress Please note that the default port number of the web interface for the new packages are changed to 4000. So, to access the web interface for version 9, go to https:/ /localhost: 4000 . Use "admin" as username and passw...

Openvas in Ubuntu

Introduction OpenVAS is an open source suite that can be used for vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management. It stands for Open Vulnerability Assessment System. OpenVAS is an excellent alternative to commercial security scanners such as Nessus, QualysGuard, etc. OpenVAS is divided into three parts: OpenVAS Scanner, OpenVAS Manager, and OpenVAS CLI. In this tutorial, I will explain how to install OpenVAS Vulnerability Scanner on Ubuntu 16.04. Prerequisites A newly deployed Vultr Ubuntu 16.04 server instance. A non-root user with sudo privileges setup on your server. A static IP address of configured on your system. Step 1: Update the system First, update your system to the latest stable version by running the following commands: sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get upgrade -y sudo reboot Step 2: Install required dependencies Before installing OpenVAS, you will need to install its required dependencies. To install t...