A partir de hoje, dia 09 de janeiro de 2015, estarei postando minhas experiências com o Sistema Linux (Debian, Suse e Ubuntu) e como fazer verdadeiras maravilhas com este Sistema Operacional!! Sejam bem-vindos e que comecem os jogos!!!
You just got your ix2-200 from eBay and there are no disks inside the NAS. Or you have a brand new ix2-200 -yet you could not afford Cloud Edition. No problem. With just a USB stick and a SATA adapter or desktop PC, you will easily upgrade your ix2-200 to ix2-200 Cloud Edition. Not only your ix2-200 will have a brand new interface and Cloud options, but also will become Mac OS X Lion compatible! What do we need? Decrypted! ix2-200 Cloud Edition Firmware S endSpace or RapidShare * USB Flash Drive with at least 2 GB capacity and LED indicator** SATA to USB adapter or desktop PC Toothpick or paperclip Preparing Hard Drives Preparing hard drives is the first step because you have to wipe all the data inside the hard drives and make them just like brand new. We used 2 x Seagate 2 TB 5900 RPM Drives. Backup any files if you have and then remove both disks from ix2-200 and attach them to SATA to USB adapter or your desktop PC's SATA port. Using ...
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